Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
From Rehabot we have opted for the use of some specific elements in the rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), such as dynamic weight support systems, which can play a differentiating role, combining aerobic and strength training and obtaining very good results.
Traumatic Brain Injury at Home

At Rehabot we focus on occupational therapy as a rehabilitation treatment for traumatic brain injury.
We teach and accompany the patient at all times to regain their skills and their ability to move to do basic activities, postural control such as walking, which was performed before the traumatic brain injury.
Occupational therapy is an essential task to achieve the maximum possible recovery through the relearning of residual abilities.

Why is rehabilitation important?
Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury
Mild TBI symptoms:
Ringing in the ears
Memory impairment
Blurred vision
Behavior changes
Severe TBI symptoms:
Repeated vomiting or nausea
Difficulty speaking
Weakness in the arms or legs
Problems with thinking and learning

Our best value, quality and experience
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How can Rehabot help you?
Do you want to know what it consists of?
What is the Bobath Concept?
The Bobath concept is a therapeutic concept for the holistic treatment of people with neurological disorders. It is based on advances in neuroscience and neurophysiology, motor control and learning, muscle and neural plasticity, as well as biomechanics.
Objectives of the Bobath Concept
The main objective is to restore body movements that have been affected by a disease that influences the normal functioning of the Central Nervous System, preventing a normal life.
In addition, with the Bobath concept, we try to prevent and avoid possible secondary disorders or deformities that may arise as a result of the patient's pathology.
And of course, Rehabot sets itself the goal of teaching and educating the patient to become independent again in their day-to-day life and regain the ability to carry out activities on their own.
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The Rehab OT team will answer all your questions. Write to us and we will contact you as soon as possible.